Date: 28 November 2018 Category:

ARTEXPERTS TV is an innovative television project, created to give space to true connoisseurs of collecting, in all of its forms. ARTEXPERTS TV is a VOD (video-on-demand) platform in continual evolution, a free television channel, which is available 24/7 with unlimited access through broadband technology.

This on-line television channel is an outlet to give voice to the many facets of artistic production, from clocks and wristwatches to silverware and jewellery.

ARTEXPERTS TV offers connoisseurs and enthusiasts exclusive information and in-depth analysis by some of the leading experts. ARTEXPERTS TV is not not just a display case of objects. The format and contents are created and brought to life by our editorial team and quality is constantly monitored and guaranteed.

It’s no coincidence that our broadcasts boast a roster of some of the most famous and celebrated names in the art of timepiece collecting